We survived a very snowy winter. All the snow added a lot of extra work here on the farm and it prevented us from getting a lot of other work done outside that we had hoped to get done this winter. However, in spite of all the cold and snow, the hens and the animals did real well. The hens actually increased egg production.
The name of our farm means "the Lord will provide" and it happened again. The Lord provided two snow blowers for the big snows when there were no snow blowers to be found. One was free. It was sitting on the sidewalk in downtown Gaithersburg all weekend during the first big snow storm in February with a big cardboard sign saying ‘free’, and no one took it! It didn’t run, so we put a new ignition coil on it and it ran well. It was our lifesaver in clearing the drifting snow during the second snow storm.
Cathy’s kitchen garden resting under a blanket of snow. Two beds of spinach, planted in the fall, survived the winter and are growing nicely now that it is warming up. The spinach was covered with clear plastic on hoops all winter.
The snow created a beautiful wonderland here on the farm. Here we were plowing snow so that we could gather eggs and feed the hens.
Two of our children, Melody and Luke, posing with their snow chicken. The snow hen even laid a snow egg!
The hens loved to eat the snow. You can see the snow sticking to their beaks.
Our power went out during the first snow storm in February. Our son, Joel, hooked up the milker to the lawn tractor with a long v-belt and milked Daisy, our family cow.