Blinded By Amazing Medical Technology

By Myron Horst

The incredible and amazing advancements in medical technology have blinded our eyes to what is really going on — the “health” care industry does not know how to slow the increasing prevalence of disease and major illnesses. They confidently tell us what to eat and what to do, based on peer reviewed research, to prevent certain cancers or diseases. But, as we look at the bigger picture, we see that sickness and disease are rapidly increasing and healthcare costs are skyrocketing to unsustainable levels in spite of the prevention advice of the medical community. They do not know how to slow the increasing prevalence of disease and major illnesses. If you and I continue to eat the same foods that are available in the grocery stores and restaurants, we will likely get cancer, heart disease, or one of the other diseases and illnesses that those around us are getting.

The focus of the “health” care industry is on treating sickness and disease once they occur. That is where the big money is. They have become very high tech in keeping sick people alive a year or more longer while they drain the person’s bank account. My uncle told me about a week ago that nursing homes cost almost $100,000 a year. He is in his 80’s, is living alone and is resisting going into a retirement community as long as he can. He had put his wife in a nursing home a number of years ago because he was no longer able to take care of her. Her medical care, before she passed away, cost him half of everything he had and he does not want to give the rest of what he has to the healthcare industry.

The cost of healthcare will soon become unaffordable for many people, even with the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA or Obama Care) in 2010. The PPACA did slow down the projected increase in health care cost some at this point. A recent report in the Annals of Family Medicine shows that the annual cost of heath insurance for a family will equal median household income in only 20 years (2033). Those costs are totally unsustainable in the long run.

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