How to Make Great Tasting Stuffed Eggs

Have you ever noticed how popular stuffed eggs are at picnics? It seems they are often all eaten. They are a wonderful way to eat eggs.

For the best tasting stuffed eggs you need to begin with eggs that have been raised right; eggs that taste wonderful because of the wonderful grass and nutritious feed the hens ate. Of course, fresh eggs are the best. But you may have noticed that fresh eggs don’t typically peel well. There is an easy remedy for this. If the eggs are less than 2 weeks old, bring the water in your kettle to a boil before you put the eggs into the kettle. When the water is boiling, add the eggs with a slotted spoon into the cooking pot and bring the water to a boil again. Then immediately turn the burner down as low as possible and cook the eggs for 10 minutes. As soon as your 10 minute timer goes off, let the coldest tap water run into the kettle until the eggs are cooled. If you don’t want the water to run that long, run the water for a little and then add ice to cool down the eggs quickly. This also helps to avoid making the eggs in which the outside of the yolks turn gray. There is nothing wrong with an egg like that, but it doesn’t look as appetizing.

When the eggs are cooled, peel them and cut each egg in half lengthwise. Carefully pop the yolks into a pie plate or other flat dish. Use a potato masher or fork to mash the yolks.

Now for the great taste I’m going to give some general instructions rather than exact measurements. It is the cook’s prerogative to taste the food to make sure it is just how you want it.

Add some mayonnaise and a little mustard; enough to make the mashed yolks creamy instead of dry. Add a little onion powder or maybe a little minced onion. Sprinkle on a little salt if it needs it. Stuffed eggs are also wonderful with a little dill weed in the yolks or some curry powder. Be creative and add whatever spices you think you’d like. Just remember that you can always add more, but you can’t take out spices so start with a little.

I like plenty of yolk mixture in my stuffed eggs so I always get rid of a few misshapen egg whites. Fill the egg whites with the yolk mixture so that it is mounded a little over the egg white shell and so that you can’t tell which end of the egg white the yolk was. When the eggs are all stuffed, you can sprinkle some dill or paprika or some other spice on top of the eggs if you so desire.

Happy Egging!

Cathy’s Cooking Corner

Cathy recently wrote a blog post for the Pantry Paratus website that you might find interesting on homeschooling on the farm.

The Kitchen Classroom with Cathy from Jehovah-Jireh Farm

Sunny Side Up Eggs

When I fry eggs I usually fry them on one side and then flip them over and fry the other side. This method is usually recommended so that the eggs are completely cooked. Restaurants are not allowed to sell sunny side up eggs because of the chance that they will not be cooked enough to kill bacteria.

Myron wanted some sunny side up eggs like he had when he was a boy, but I always hesitated at the problem of getting them over fried on the underside and not done enough on top. Recently I remembered seeing my mother put a little water in the pan with the eggs and then putting on the lid. I decided to try it. It did the trick. The eggs weren’t overdone but still cooked through the way he likes them. After 25 years of marriage and cooking, I am still learning some pretty basic new things.

Crack the eggs into your skillet. Fry them on the underside with a little butter. When the eggs are ready to be flipped, instead pour several tablespoons of water into the pan and cover it immediately. Cook them till they’re done as much as you like them.

Cathy’s Cooking Corner

Brunch Casserole

3 cups bread cubes
3 cups cheddar cheese
3 cups meat of your choice
6 eggs, beaten
3 cups milk
1 Tbsp mustard
2 tsp. onion powder
1 tsp. salt

Layer bread cubes, meat and cheese in a 9 X 13 pan in that order. Mix the rest of the ingredients and pour over the top of the bread, cheese and meat. Refrigerate overnight. (Or bake immediately.) Bake at 300 degrees for one hour.

Cheesy Eggs on Toast

4 eggs
1 Tbsp. butter
1/2 cup cheese
2 Tbsp. mayonaise
1 Tbsp. onion, minced
4 pieces toast, buttered

Mix cheese, mayonaise and onion. Melt butter in skillet. Add the eggs. Fry on one side. Flip eggs and top with cheese mixture. Cover skillet with lid. Cook eggs to desired doneness. Serve eggs on buttered toast.

Cathy’s Cooking Corner

In our family we eat lots of eggs for breakfast. Broth poached eggs are a favorite of ours.

Broth Poached Eggs

Pour chicken or beef broth into a kettle or skillet to a one inch depth. Bring to a boil. Crack each egg gently into the broth. Simmer till they are the done to your preference.

Broth poached eggs have rich flavor.

Barbeque Chicken
After selling fresh chickens in May, all the chickens that were left were on the smaller size. So we cut them into split halves. We sell them as grilling halves for $5.29/lb. We think they are fabulous grilled with the following recipe.

2 cups vinegar
2 cups water
1 stick butter
8 tsp. salt
4 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

Bring to a boil. Marinate the chicken in this sauce for one hour before grilling. Brown both sides of the chicken well on the grill. I recommend grilling each side twice. Put into a hot crockpot on high for two to three hours, until the meat is very soft. You can also bake the chicken in the oven in a tightly closed casserole dish at 300 degrees for one to two hours instead of in the crockpot.

Have a wonderful Spring!

Myron and Cathy Horst and Family

Jehovah-Jireh Farm

Egg Omelet Sandwich with Grilled Bread

Gather the ingredients for your omelet. You will need a large or jumbo egg, butter, salt and whatever else you desire such as cheese, chopped onion, and cut up precooked chicken. Left over meats and veggies from other meals are great for omelets. It will give your omelets lots of variety. Do not use any pork, unless if you want to feel grumpy for the next five or six days.

Beat the egg with a fork.

Put a teaspoon or two of butter into a small skillet. Pour your egg into the skillet.

Add chopped onions, leftover pieces of chicken breast, cheese, etc.

When the omelet is cooked enough to flip, carefully flip with a spatula to brown the underside a bit.

Butter two pieces of bread. When the omelet is cooked through, remove it from the skillet and place the bread in the skillet butter side down. Grill it until it’s brown.  Make into a sandwich, adding tomato slices and mayonnaise. For an eat-as-you-drive breakfast, slide the sandwich into a sandwich bag to contain the crumbs and any drips. Enjoy your gourmet quick and easy breakfast!

Fried Egg with Salsa and Cheese

Fry your egg in a small amount of butter in your pan. As soon as you can, flip the egg and top with salsa and cheese.

Cover with a lid until the egg is cooked and the cheese is melted.

This is delicious with toast or grits.

Eggs are a Large Vitamin and Mineral Pill

Earlier this year, two leading nutritionists gave reports to the International Egg Commission in which they explained that eggs are an excellent source of high quality protein with high amino acid content. They said that per 100 grams, the nutrients in eggs are comparable to meat. One of the nutritionists, Professor Windisch, stressed the importance of eating the correct combination of amino acids and stressed that eggs provide these in a highly suitable quantity. He said that eggs are a excellent source of calcium, sodium, iodine, selenium and vitamins A, D, and E, making it a "mineral cocktail". He further explained that because eggs are the source of life for chickens, they naturally contain the nutrients that we need for healthy bodies.

The other nutritionist, Dr. Layman, said that during the past 30-40 years, people have been told to avoid cholesterol and animal fats in their diets. He believes that this advice has led to people eating a high ratio of carbohydrates which has been a contributing factor in an increase in obesity, diabetes, sarcopenia, osteoporosis, and heart disease. He said one of the problems we’re battling is the protein myth that adults eat more protein than they need. Dr. Layman also stressed that the protein that people are eating is not evenly distributed throughout the day. 65% of the protein is consumed after 6:30 in the evening. Most Americans eat less than 12 grams of protein in their breakfast. It is important to have adequate protein for breakfast for the brain and muscles to function properly throughout the day. Eggs are an excellent breakfast food to provide morning protein and other nutrients that are important for life.

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